Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Update from Dr. Poison

It has been a while. I have three new books out:

Effective Transition from Design to Production  (management book)

Poison Handbook for Writers

San Gabriel's Secret -- start of a new mystery series with a Sr. Citizen for a hero! 

I also taught a class at the Sr. University here in Georgetown, TX and will be teaching another on in June on poisons.

Will be an instructor at the University of Texas this fall on writing.

I have a couple of interesting lectures I give one is called Vintage Aprons and I have some real examples and my own portable clothesline! The second is The History of Mysteries.  also do a talk on Sherlock Holmes -the man and one on forensics for writers and one called Murder 101-what really happens when you kill someone. 

I am now a member of the Georgetown Library Advisory Board, on the Board of Directors of the Writer's League of Texas, VP of Sisters in Crime (Austin, TX) and President of the San Gabriel Writer's League.

My newspaper column called Ask Uncle Dave is still running and a lot of fun to do. 

 A number of us authors put on workshops on writing in conjunction with the Georgetown Library called the Library Writer's College. It was a gig success!!!  We are now starting the planning for another college this fall. To go along with it-we are planning an adult education series called Georgetown Learns. This will be a lot of work but it should do well. 

I have also started anew mystery with Virginia Davies again. It is in work as we speak (or write). 

More pots soon-I promise

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Dave! You certainly keep busy. Will you be adding a page to your blog where we, the curious would-be poisoners of fictitious victims, can post questions?